Film Screening Checklist

It’s important to allow for at least three weeks to a month in order to promote INVISIBLE HAND. The topics in the film are BIG and often new for a community, so the more time to build dialogue the better. This checklist will help get you on the path to making your show a success!

This checklist will give you the tools you need to host and promote any size screening of INVISIBLE HAND in your community. Let’s begin:

1. Find a host theater who would allow a free screening or a reduced rate for nonprofits. For online events you’ll have your own page at[nameofevent] and there’s no charge to use that page.

2. Fill our the form on the screenings page or Email Public Herald the exact location/time/date/host of the screening as soon as you’ve made confirmations. (Please don’t forget to collaborate w/ like-minded organizations. Cooperation is key to a good screening!)

3. Secure a screening license (create Live Q&A for online events) ($39, $95, $195, $295 or $495 depending on expected size of audience), and if necessary cover the travel costs and honorarium for the filmmakers if they’re attending. For online events you can inquire about having the directors take part in the Q&A. To create a Live Q&A we suggest using Youtube Live and pre scheduling the Q&A video so it can be embedded on the page (email us the link).

4. Promote the event: IMPORTANT: Press Outreach (i.e. press event, press release, press availability, press webinar, phone call invites to reporters trying to get them to the film, phone calls and invites of elected officials and potential panel speakers on local issues)






· Press Release Example


· Download & Design: download our PDF Blank Templates in Dropbox for designing your poster:


Now What?

Week 1

· Find volunteers, connect, collaborate.*

· Please share the INVISIBLE HAND website to communicate and recruit volunteers to help promote your event.

· Create a general task list for the next month (press releases, Letters to the Editor, phone calls, radio, canvassing flyers, etc.) and assign volunteers to complete tasks. If people have certain skills, make sure they get a chance to show them off. FYI: We often use Google Drive to help organize and collaborate. *Please let us know if we need to add an email address to your group’s announcements when we send out our own promotions.

· Create a Facebook Event: great e.g. from our Premiere. Try to have lots of updates, interaction, and lots of invites.

· Share INVISIBLE HAND trailers, photos and Press Kit info:




· Post on Twitter & Facebook w/ quotes & images from film

Week 2

· Begin Promotions:

· Print & Distribute Posters: [Default to poster designs mentioned above.] Try to use a local courier if one exists to get the word out.

· Share film trailer and videos, make your own videos about local issues the screening will address

· IMPORTANT: Press Outreach (i.e. press event, press release, press availability, press webinar, phone call invites to reporters trying to get them to the film)

· Send Press Release (see e.g. above) Reach out to Directors for quotes

· Alert social networks, email groups, and the general community about recent news related to issues raised in the film and local issues you’ll discuss. Remember to stress this is a must see film!

· Emails to members/partners: Ask friends, members and partners to commit to attending the show and share the event.

· Find Sponsors to share in promotions for the event and/or cover costs. (be sure sponsors have a table to share their information at the event)

· Radio: contact your local radio stations with a 15 second spot.

· Request to have the filmmakers on for an interview about the film before the screening.

· PSA eg: The [NGO or host] will present a free screening of INVISIBLE HAND, the world’s first documentary film about the creation of ‘Rights of Nature’ and the defining battle of our times between democracy and corporations, at [location/date/time]. For more information visit (or local group link).

· Coordinate a Q+A after the film w/ the filmmakers & local experts and/or organizations.

· Choose a panel moderator or someone to welcome folks/introduce the film. The host often does this.

Week 3

· Repeat Promotions

· Repeat Local Issues The Film Helps Explore

· Have fun and enjoy the show!